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Projection Room Technical Details

Norelco DP70 Film Projectors

The archive has 4 Norelco DP70 film projectors currently in operation. All 4 projectors are a later model that uses a single motor to handle 2 different film speeds.  They are capable of both 24 and 30 frames-per-second. These projectors have the original lower reel shaft take up mechanisms in working condition.
The Norelco DP70 35/70mm film projector was manufactured in Holland by the Philips Corporation during the 1950s and 1960s. These are considered by experts the finest film projector ever made. This projector is “the only project to win an Oscar” with an award for a Class 2 Oscar Plaque in 1963.

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Projector Film Magazines

Projectors #1 and #2 were professionally modified in the 1990s with the addition of custom designed and built lower projector bases. The bases allow projectors #1 and #2 to have 36-inch diameter upper and lower film magazines. This allows for film reels up to and including 34-inch diameter, in both 35mm and 70mm width, to be used. A Eprad double mut film transport system machine is installed for use with Norelco projector #3.  This system allows for side reels up to 48 inch to feed the projector 4 hours worth of film continuously.  Projector #4 has the original upper and lower Norelco film magazines. These magazines had been originally installed at the Seattle Cinerama theater until 1983.

Sound Heads & Lamp Houses

Both #1 and #2 have Strong X-60C Xenon lamp houses with 3000-watt Xenon bulbs installed. Projectors #3 and #4 are both Norelco DP70 in operation. They have Strong Super 80 Xenon lamp houses with 3000watt Xenon bulbs installed in them.
Projector #1 is in the process of having a 70mm DTS reader installed, so that 70mm films with a DTS soundtrack can be played.  Projector #3 has DTS, Dolby Digital and Sony SDDS digital sound heads installed.

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Audio Processors

Projector #1 and #2 utilizes a Dolby CP200 Cinema Processor to handle the sound system requirements.  Projector #3 and #4 use a Dolby CP500 Cinema processor to handle the sound system requirements.  The Dolby CP200 Cinema Processor runs 70mm magnetic formats better than any other processor and remains the most flexible Cinema processor ever built.  Unlike other digital cinema processors, The CP500 takes advantage of the best of analog as well as digital technologies. The CP500 gives the best of both worlds delivering uncompromised performance on all soundtracks.

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Film Presentation Capabilities

We use the Red ISCO Ultra Star HD Plus projection lenses. These are considered to be the very best projection lenses that have ever been built.  The ISCO Ultra Star HD Plus, has multicoated lenses that significantly reduce lens-flare and have the best resolution and light transmission of all projection lenses.  We can run almost all 35mm film formats or 70mm film formats ever released to theaters.  We have a specific Red ISCO lens and a Norelco lens collar for each of the 4 Norelco projectors for the film format sizes:

35mm non anamorphic (Flat)

1:17    1:22    1:27    1:33
1:41    1:48    1:55    1:65
1:75    1:85    1:97    2:10

35mm VistaVision

1:55    1:65
1:75    1:85

35mm Anamorphic

2:00 SuperScope
2:35 CinemaScope
2:55 CinemaScope

70mm Film

2:20 Conventional
2:20 TODD-AO @ 24 fps
2:20 TODD-AO @ 30 fps

70mm Anamorphic

2:76 Ultra Panavision with magnetic soundtracks
2:76 Ultra Panavision with DTS soundtracks

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